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The Plenary Assembly

Celebrating Unity and Transformation: The Lasallian Plenary Assembly

The Lasallian Plenary Assembly, a fraternal encounter grounded in a synodal perspective, will take place from July 8 to July 14, gathering Brothers of the Christian Schools and Lasallian Partners. This Assembly is a platform for discerning God’s call, aiming to journey together and make possible the Pathways of Transformation, with a vision of being “one Lasallian Family, with diverse vocations; leaven for a more fraternal world.”

Unlike the General Chapter and the International Assembly of the Lasallian Educational Mission (AIMEL), the Plenary Assembly focuses on consensus-building through participative dynamics, advancing the Institute’s priorities without being a decision-making or recommendatory body.

Objectives of the Assembly

1. Review and Strengthen: Assess progress since the 46th General Chapter and the III AIMEL, identifying areas for focus and change.

2. Enrich Governance: Deepen understanding of the Institute’s new governance model, enhancing the functions of Councils, Commissions, and Offices.

3. Revive the Leavening Movement: Celebrate the international character of the Lasallian Family by sharing best practices from various Districts.

4. Foster Unity: Promote a spiritual, fraternal, and synodal experience to grow as ‘One La Salle.’

By the end of the Assembly, participants aim to identify key areas for further development, devise strategies to enhance the governance model, and sustain the momentum of the Leavening movement across the Lasallian world.

Day by Day Schedule



DAY 1 

July 8 

DAY 2 

July 9 

DAY 3 

July 10 

DAY 4 

July 11 

DAY 5 

July 12 


Regional Visits 

Commission and Offices 

General Council 

Financial Realities and Updates 




Three ways to foster Regional and beyond- Regional collaboration. 

The overall presentation of Commissions and Offices within the context of the new Institute ́s model. 

Three ways for collaboration among Brothers and Lay Partners to strengthen their respective vocational identities. 

Three agreements that allow us to harmonise co- responsibility, solidarity and self- sufficiency. 

Three ways
for leveraging the Association and Lasallian Charismatic Family through the Leavening Movement. 


Networking Governance and Cross-Pollination 

and Offices round table: focal points, concerns, roles. 

Leavening Movement 

La Salle Foundation and Office of Solidarity and Development 

Standing Committee of Young Brothers



Three Areas/ Themes for Networking Governance 


Three Concrete Actions by the Districts and Regions to Strengthen the Leavening Experiences. 

Three areas
in which the Institute and
the Lasallian Family want to be recognized. 

Three concrete stepsto adopta culture of giving and receiving. 

Three ways to revitalize the Catechesis in the Lasallian Family. 


Visitors: Three criteria (areas
or themes) that will shape the networking and collaborative reorganization of the Institute and the Lasallian Family 

Signs of Novelties and Hope, Concerns and Suggestions 

Visitors: Reinforcing
the Leavening Experiences, especially of the Brothers. 

and General Council: General Information for All 

Summary and consensus (Sensus fidei). 

Offices and Commissions: Three Directions to Ensure Synergy Between Offices and Commissions. 


Offices and Commissions: Enriching their Work Plans based on feedback. 

Commissions and Offices: Three Tasks to Ensure Collaboration 


Councils: Three to Five Common Agenda Items for the Three Institute Councils. 


Councils: Types of Accompaniments and Intervention to the Visitors and their Leadership Teams. 

IEC: Three
Main Insights to Improve the Work and realize the 46th GC dream by each Council 


One of the esteemed District Visitors/Delegation Presidents participating in the Assembly is Br. Robert Schaefer FSC from the District of Eastern North America (DENA). His insights and experiences will be invaluable as the Assembly seeks to strengthen collaboration and foster a unified vision for the future.


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