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Celebrating Founder’s Day Online Gathering 2024

Today marks Founder’s Day, an annual celebration dedicated to honoring the life and legacy of St. John Baptist De La Salle, the patron saint of teachers and the founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Observed on May 15, this day brings together educators, students, and communities worldwide to commemorate his enduring contributions to education.

Born in 1651 in Reims, France, St. John Baptist De La Salle dedicated his life to transforming education. Recognizing the need for accessible education for all, particularly the poor, he pioneered methods and established schools that emphasized comprehensive learning, moral development, and inclusivity. His innovative approach laid the foundation for modern pedagogy, focusing on teacher training and a structured curriculum.

This year’s celebration of DENA’s Founder’s Day, May 15, 2024, is being held online with the theme “De La Salle’s Vision of Education in Service to Bring About the Reign of God.” Online gatherings have been reintroduced in DENA to provide more opportunities for the district to connect during various Lasallian celebrations. The hosts for the event are Br. Paul Avvento, FSC, and Julia Turner. The welcome message from DENA Visitor Br. Bob Shaefer, FSC, inspired everyone to continue the Lasallian mission as leaven for a more fraternal world.

Following this, there was a live prayer service led by the DENA Lasallian Animators: Justin Martineau, Gina Spohr, Roxanna De Peña-Elder, Abby Michels, and Christina Buttigieg. Reflections on the Lasallian Mission by Joshua de Jesus, Br. Coleman Coogan, FSC, and Susan Major were also highlighted. Additionally, a short video by Br. Ernest Miller, FSC, about the Declaration of the Lasallian Educational Mission was shared, which can be used as a tool for Lasallian Formation.

The online celebration concluded with a message from Mr. James Logan, the Director for DENA’s Mission and Ministry.

Founder’s Day serves not only as a remembrance of St. John Baptist De La Salle’s life but also as a call to action for educators and students alike to uphold his values and strive for excellence in education.

Listen to the full message of Br. Robert Schaefer FSC by watching this video.


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