Dear Friends,
“Traditions! Traditions!” observes Tevye, “Without traditions, our lives would be as shaky as … as a fiddler on the roof!” The movie Fiddler on the Roof goes on to tell the story of the villagers of Anatevka and the precarious lives they live in early 20th century Russia. It is their traditions that help them keep their balance, given all the many challenges and dangers they face. But as the story unfolds, the traditions adapt and adjust to the signs of the times. Tradition provides a continuity to the past that keeps a community grounded and connected. But healthy traditions are able to adapt and not remain static or constraining.
The Christian Brothers and, especially, Lasallian schools, are filled with rich traditions that help give life and spirit to the school community. Beginning class with the familiar invocation of “Let us remember we are in the Holy Presence of God,” is a tradition that goes back to the first school St. John Baptist de La Salle helped to open and it continues to be a tradition in Lasallian schools around the globe.
There are other traditions that are more light-hearted that help to enliven school spirit and keep a connection with previous generations. You will read about some of those traditions in this month’s newsletter.
But the most important tradition of the Lasallian mission is providing a quality Catholic education that is student-centered and that prioritizes the salvation of the students entrusted to our care. In our tradition, salvation means educating young people to grow into the image and likeness of God so as to be of service in this life and to enjoy eternal happiness with Him in the life to come.
Young people today might seem like a fiddler on the roof struggling to keep balance, but with your support for our mission, we are forming them with the important skills and Gospel values to navigate today’s challenges with the confidence of our faith.
Live Jesus in our hearts,
Br. Robert Schaefer, FSC