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District Day 2024 Highlights

This year’s District Day and Jubilee Day was a heartwarming celebration, honoring the remarkable dedication and service of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. The event commemorated significant milestones in the religious vocations, highlighting their unwavering commitment to faith and education.

The celebration started with a mass in which the achievements of the jubilarians were acknowledged. This was followed by a festive gathering that allowed the brothers, their families, and friends to reflect on the impact of their service.

The 2024 DENA Jubilarians were celebrated not only for their years of service  but also for their profound influence on countless lives. Their dedication to their vocation continues  to inspire and uplift the community. The event was a fitting tribute to the Brothers ‘ remarkable journeys, filled with gratitude, joy and a sense of shared purpose.

As we reflect on this year’s celebrations, we are reminded of the enduring legacy of the devoted Brothers and look forward to many more years of their faithful service.


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