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2023 Fall Convocation of Governance Leadership


2023 Fall Convocation of Governance Leadership

November 3-4, 2023, CBA Lincroft, NJ

The 2023 Fall Convocation for the Association of Governance Leadership was a resounding success as it kicked off amidst much anticipation and enthusiasm. Board Chairs and Presidents from various DENA ministries converged at the Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft (CBA Lincroft), New Jersey, for a series of joint formation sessions, discussions, and strategic planning sessions aimed at shaping the future trajectory of their organizations.

The convocation was enriched by the esteemed presence of Sister Sharon Euart, RSM, JDC, whose keynote address on Sponsorship, Catholic/Lasallian Identity, and the Church resonated deeply with attendees. This was complemented by a session led by Jim Logan, focusing on the DENA Covenants of Ministerial Relationship.

The second day commenced with a warm welcome from the students of CBA Lincroft, who graciously shared their school experiences, setting a vibrant tone for the proceedings.

Brother Armand Alcazar, FSC, representing the Midwest District, facilitated the morning session, guiding participants through Springtide’s insightful recommendations on effectively accompanying young people in today’s world. This was followed by a panel discussion featuring guidance counselors from various DENA ministries, who shared their valuable experiences and perspectives on the concept of accompaniment.

Brother Ernest J. Miller FSC, representing the DENA Office for Mission & Ministry, delved into the exploration of “The Declaration on the Educational Mission: Guidance towards a rich future in service of God’s mission.” His insightful session paved the way for engaging table discussions, covering a myriad of topics pertinent to governance and leadership within the Lasallian context.

Under the theme “Building on De La Salle’s Vision for 175 Years,” the Association of Governance Leadership 2023 Fall Convocation promised rich discourse and collaborative visioning towards advancing the mission of the Lasallian community.

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