Mission Council

Composed of experienced Brothers and Lasallian Partners in Mission, the Mission Council advises the Brother Visitor and his team on issues related to the mission and ministries of the District. The Council assists in setting priorities and important initiatives for the District.

Members by Right of Office

Mr. James Logan

Director of the Office for Mission and Ministry

Mr. Justin Martineau

Associate Director for the Office of Mission and Ministry

Appointed Members

Mrs. Beth Bixby

(2nd term - 2022-2025)
Chief Executive Officer for Tides Family Services

Mr. Andrew Brady

(1st term - 2023-2026)
President of West Catholic High School

Br. James Butler, FSC

(2nd term - 2023-2025)
President of La Salle College High School

Br. Timothy Froehlich, FSC

(2nd term - 2023-2026)
Director of Finance for DENA

Mr. Matthew Keough

(Chair - 1st term - 2021-2023)
President of Christian Brothers Academy – Syracuse

Ms. Alisa Macksey

(1st term - 2023-2026)
Vice President of Mission, Diversity, and Inclusion at La Salle University

Br. William Mann, FSC

(1st term - 2021-2024)
President Emeritus – St. Mary’s University – Winona, MN

Mr. David Palank

(1st term - 2023-2026)
Principal of San Miguel School DC

Mr. Michael Scaramuzzo II

(2nd term - 2022-2025)
Asst. Principal for Student Life at St. John Paul II Academy

Dr. Christopher Themistos

(1st term - 2023-2026)
Principal of St. John's College High School, DC