We Have Remembered the Christian Brothers

We recently spoke to John (Jack) & Mary Lou Voge. They are a beautiful couple who live in West Chester PA, and they have decided to include the Brothers of the Christian Schools in their estate plans. Jack says that of course his children will be taken care of, but that he and Mary Lou feel strongly that the Lord has blessed them, so they must give back.

Jack, originally from Staten Island NY, began high school at St. Peter’s Boys High School. Unfortunately, halfway through his sophomore year, his family moved to Pennsylvania for his father’s career as a master mariner. Jack’s older brother, Donald was an alumnus of St. Peter’s. Donald also worked his way up to master mariner during his nearly fifty-year career, unfortunately passing away before retirement.

“Even though I was only with the Christian Brothers for about a year and a half, they had a tremendous impact on my life. They gave me a direction, discipline (not appreciated at the time), and a desire to work with and help others.” Jack continued, “I especially know that my brother Donald credited the Christian Brothers with giving him the discipline and knowledge to succeed. He would have liked the idea of giving back.”

Mary Lou & Jack bringing home their latest rescue pup, Miss Fritz.

The lack of guidance and personal attention in public high school was a setback for Jack. After traveling the world for eight years on an oil tanker, he was ready to matriculate at West Chester University for teaching. It was during this period that he found his calling in real estate, which lasted for fifty years. 

At the time Jack became a Realtor, he saw that there were sections of the county that were underserved. Realizing this, he focused much of his time and effort guiding clients who were at a disadvantage when it came to the home buying process. Using his contacts in the industry, he found assistance for many families who would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. Mary Lou is also excited about helping the Brothers. “As a teacher myself, I know what a vital role the right teaching environment can have on our youth, and the Brothers continue to do an amazing job,” she said. “We also plan to support several local charities that are close to our hearts, but the Christian Brothers definitely deserve our support.”